Saturday, February 7, 2009

Getting to rank 3

Posted by Sim533:

Milly p enstock
Pell tonne
Don Brickote

2)Go to Milmamo's page and trade the milstone blueprint

3)Get lumbers now
-first (if you didn't) trade a t-square on Bartlebee page
-Send it to Milmamo
-Build the module

4)Send a milstone to pell tonne

5)Buy the Beaver blueprint from Pel Tonne's page for 10 Lumber.

6)Build a Beaver and send it to Milly P. Enstock

7)Build a Electric-Dam Module for 30 Lumber, 30 Red Bricks, 3 Beavers.

7) Build 10 more Beavers to setup the Electric-Dam Module.

7.Get 20 clicks on the module

8) Build the water mill module
(this need's blue brick
-wait until you've got a email with 20 blue brick
-type in on "MAGAWARD " <----highlight for spoiler
and buy the blue module on max page.

9)Get a giant
-Search after a quixotic module and get a heroic story
-Send Don Brickote a Heroic Story to get a Wind Mill Tilter blueprint.
-Build the Wind Mill Tilter
-Click on a friend's Wind Mill for a chance to win the Giant blueprint.

10)It's time to build the masterpiece
-Buy Millstone Hurling Module from Milly P.Enstock for 20 Blue LEGO Bricks and build a giant
-Build the millstone hurling module and make some millstone.
-Wait until a friend clicks

11) Make the masterpiece

12) You made it
(this is the shortest way to win rank 2) 


S said...

I'll make a better one in the future

Anonymous said...

You need to make another one for people who DON'T get club magazine.(Like Me.)And i'm almost rank 3!Just got to make the masterpiece.

S said...

Sorry. Click on someone dam to find 20 blue bricks into your mailbox

S said...

To kidzrulez. The code for the badge is in my guide(spoiler). If you can use it and typ it in on

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sim533. I got it now. P.S. To Vanderdecken12: It is rank 3 not 2.

Anonymous said...

To Sim533: what blogs do you have? Pleas tell me the links. Sorry vanderdecken 12 but could you trust Sim533 and let him do it?

Sim533 said...

I have no blogs but i mean that the code is in my guide above.

Calvin said...

im still rank one, i cant get fifty honey pots drone bees, or best bees.