Milly p enstock
Pell tonne
Don Brickote
2)Go to Milmamo's page and trade the milstone blueprint
3)Get lumbers now
-first (if you didn't) trade a t-square on Bartlebee page
-Send it to Milmamo
-Build the module
4)Send a milstone to pell tonne
5)Buy the Beaver blueprint from Pel Tonne's page for 10 Lumber.
6)Build a Beaver and send it to Milly P. Enstock
7)Build a Electric-Dam Module for 30 Lumber, 30 Red Bricks, 3 Beavers.
7) Build 10 more Beavers to setup the Electric-Dam Module.
7.Get 20 clicks on the module
--> mlntrades.blogspot.com
8) Build the water mill module
(this need's blue brick
-wait until you've got a email with 20 blue brick
-type in on Club.lego.com "MAGAWARD " <----highlight for spoiler
9)Get a giant
-Search after a quixotic module and get a heroic story
-Send Don Brickote a Heroic Story to get a Wind Mill Tilter blueprint.
-Build the Wind Mill Tilter
-Click on a friend's Wind Mill for a chance to win the Giant blueprint.
10)It's time to build the masterpiece
-Buy Millstone Hurling Module from Milly P.Enstock for 20 Blue LEGO Bricks and build a giant
-Build the millstone hurling module and make some millstone.
-Wait until a friend clicks
--> mlntrades.blogspot.com
11) Make the masterpiece
12) You made it
(this is the shortest way to win rank 2)
I'll make a better one in the future
You need to make another one for people who DON'T get club magazine.(Like Me.)And i'm almost rank 3!Just got to make the masterpiece.
Sorry. Click on someone dam to find 20 blue bricks into your mailbox
To kidzrulez. The code for the badge is in my guide(spoiler). If you can use it and typ it in on club.lego.com
Thanks Sim533. I got it now. P.S. To Vanderdecken12: It is rank 3 not 2.
To Sim533: what blogs do you have? Pleas tell me the links. Sorry vanderdecken 12 but could you trust Sim533 and let him do it?
I have no blogs but i mean that the code is in my guide above.
im still rank one, i cant get fifty honey pots drone bees, or best bees.
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