Saturday, February 7, 2009

Getting to rank 7

Posted by Sim533, who is very helpful:
(highlight any blank spaces to see spoilers)
1)Befriend (this is a lot)
Rick moon, 
JP variety,
Izzy Bop,
Sandee Starreyed,
Seno Evel,
Rita Blisstow,
Tommy marz,

2)Buy at Rick moon's page
Electric guitar 
Acoustic guitar 

3)Buy at David Lampton's page

4)Buy at Izzy Bop's page 
Bass guitar 

5)Buy at seno evel's page 

6)Buy and build(JP variety)
Solo performance module blueprint (to make gold and platium album go to JP variety)

7)Go to Sandee starreyed's page and buy the autograph

8)Go to Rita Blisstow's page and buy the Hypnotic Frequency blueprint.

9)Go to Sandee starreyed and buy the duo performance module blueprint 

10) Build after the duo performance module blueprint, the trio performance module and the group module ( you can find them on Seno Evel and Izzy Bop pages )

11) Now it's time to make the masterpiece. The supplies:

-50 Orange LEGO Brick 
-10 Platinum Album
-1 Mind Control Emitter
-4 Hypnotic Frequency Machine
-1 Electric Guitar 

12) To get a mind control emitter.
Send a Hypnotic frequency module to 
-Seno Evel 
-Rick Moon 
-Izzy Bop 
-David Lampton
Now build the Forgot Master Code Book and send it to JP variety

13)Make the masterpiece

14) You made it!
If you have any questions, just ask. 

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